Contact Us

There are various ways you can stay in touch with us. Make sure to check out our social media links at the bottom of the page to find our women-only Facebook group, Twitter account, GitHub org, and more!


You can contact our executive team at any time by emailing

Feedback Form

If you'd like to contact us anonymously with feedback about what WiCS does, you can fill out our feedback form.

Mailing Lists

If you are a female student enrolled in a computer science program (CS, SE, Bioinformatics, CS DD, etc.), you are automatically subscribed to the cs-female-undergrads mailing list at the beginning of each term. It is not possible to subscribe to this list if you are not already a member. This list has approximately 600 members—wow!

If you're not a member of cs-female-undergrads and would like to hear from us, you can join our wics-announce mailing list.

If you'd like to join our women-only CSters mailing list for mentorship and general discussion, you can apply here. Please use your UWaterloo email address so we can verify your identity.


Why not drop by our MC office and visit? We have two shiny new office terminals, generously funded by the Mathematics Endowment Fund, and comfortable and clean desk space. We also have a library including feminist tech publications and various technical resources available for you to read during office hours. The schedule for this term's office hours is here.

When you visit us, keep in mind our office policy.

Mailing address

Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Committee
Mathematics & Computer Building Room 1011
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, ON, Canada
N2L 3G1


We have an IRC channel, #wics, on the Open and Free Technology Community (OFTC) network. Come visit us by connecting to or using our convenient webchat link. Note that the chat room is governed by our Code of Conduct.

If you've never used IRC before, check out our IRC how-to document!

