Out of Town Speaker: Stephanie Morillo

WiCS Undergrad is proud to invite Stephanie Morillo as our out-of-town speaker this term! Stephanie will be joining us on March 21st to give a talk entitled: “Circuit Breaker: How My Love For Writing Brought Me To Tech.”

Abstract: The road to a successful career in tech wasn’t forged back in university; it was forged in my mid-twenties when I was unemployed and I learned to program on a friend’s couch. After spending my first postgraduate years as a communications professional, I discovered the power of programming and with it, the exciting and often frustrating realities of working in tech: the ability to interact with people in the greater tech community, the chance to get exposed to new technologies, and the dearth of talent from underrepresented groups. In my talk, I’ll recount my journey into tech, the observations I’ve made, and the lessons I’ve learned that I wish I could tell my university-aged self about what it means to be successful, and how to dismantle limiting beliefs before finding one’s first job.

About Stephanie: Stephanie is a writer, technologist, and musician based in the Bronx, who frequently writes and gives talks about class, race and the tech industry. Check out her website and Twitter!

Event Details

  • Who: Stephanie Morillo
  • What: Out of Town Speaker Talk
  • Where: STC 0050
  • When: Mon. Mar 21 6:00–7:30PM

